Electric Hybrid Car, what do you expect from it?

Posted by Sophie Howard on 10.24.2011

two types of hybrid cars first pure hybrid electric vehicle that uses the average electric power to recharge the battery and use it as a strength, the second is a combination of fossil fuel engines and electric motors, electric car vehicles will be used when in relief or low speeds, but when the heat generation high-speed engine requires work to move the machine when job switching between an electric motor to gasoline automatically.

If the use of hybrid electric cars that saved his pocket to spend the dollars for fuel, you can compare the amount of money to spend if the use of conventional cars.

What can be obtained when using an electric hybrid car, electric hybrid car uses an internal combustion engine is smaller when the compensation power electric motors, hybrid electric vehicles can reduce carbon emissions, hybrid electric vehicles get process of breaking the force of kinetic and send it to the battery to save power and become an engine for hybrid electric cars and electric cars far better than conventional noise is less than electric hybrid car means lower pollutants noise

Now everyone in this global warming is not just a question of a decade, but it is real, hybrid technology is one of the best solution for now, if 75% of the world to replace conventional cars hybrid cars can hope for a better world for our children should be better than today.

Hybrid electric cars, we will save lots of your pocket and save our world.
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